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Sharepoint comes to Designer and CDC agent updates

Designer CDC New features 🎉

The new Sharepoint Query connector allows you connect to a number of Sharepoint services and load data as part of Designer's orchestration pipelines.

The component's driver currently supports:

  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
  • SharePoint Server 2010
  • SharePoint Server 2013
  • SharePoint Server 2016
  • SharePoint Online

CDC agent updates

We've added on-demand snapshotting functionality for Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL databases. You'll need to update your CDC agent to get these benefits.

  • Updated CDC Agent version from 2.68.1 to 2.76.1.
  • Updated CDC Agent version from 2.76.1 to 2.77.1.