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Notices can be found among the tabs at the bottom-right of your Matillion ETL window. This tab will display any important messages regarding the instance and can be automatically populated by Matillion ETL where problems are found.

Each notice is given a symbol to indicate its severity (either as information or a warning) and can be expanded using the + symbol to read the notice's contents.

Client-side notices are denoted by the green users symbol and server-side notices by the green cloud symbol. The original times of each notice is also given beside its name - however, preexisting client-side notices will give the time that the user opened the client session on their browser.

Notices can be dismissed for that session by clicking the x symbol but can also be dismissed permanently by right-clicking the notice and selected Delete Permanently.


Posting notices via the v1 API

One of the most useful aspects of the Notice tab is that users (given adequate permissions) can post their own notices through the v1 API by using a POST method to the notice creation endpoint:


And pass data in the form of the following JSON:

   "details": "YourNoticeMessage",
   "id": AnyIDWillBeString,

Where the first 3 options (title, details and id) can have any value. ​All IDs for notices will be converted to strings. The final two (level, dismissable)  have sets of acceptable values:

level can either be "INFO" or "WARNING"

dismissable can either be true or false

Note that HTML code can be entered into the message details, allowing formatted text, images, links and more to be embedded in the notice. In this way, the Notice board can be utilised by admins to provide important content for those using the instance.


The example cURL command below demonstrates a trivial use of the Notice POST method. Here, we want to post a new warning to a Matillion ETL instance.

title: "MyNoticeTitle"
details: "Hello!"
level: WARNING
id: 200002
dismissable: true

This should be posted as a JSON:

   "details": "Hello!",
   "id": 200002,   

The resulting cURL command for this would be:

curl -X POST  ""  -H "content-type: application/json"  -d "{\\\\"title\\\\":\\\\"MyNoticeTitle\\\\", \\\\"details\\\\": \\\\"Hello!\\\\", \\\\"id\\\\": 2000002, \\\\"level\\\\":\\\\"WARNING\\\\", \\\\"dismissable\\\\":true}"

Using this command will post a new server-side notice to the instance.

Note that the ID is always converted to a string and can be anything. In this case, it will become the string "200002".