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Delete Tables

This component allows you to delete a list of tables in a single operation. It generates a single DROP TABLE statement, optionally with IF EXISTS and CASCADE modifiers.

Note that the Delete Tables component has more in common with the Snowflake DROP TABLE statement than the DELETE statement. For detailed information on DROP TABLE in Snowflake, refer to the Snowflake documentation.

This component may be used inside a transaction. However, on rollback, deleted tables will NOT be restored.


Name = string

A human-readable name for the component.

Warehouse = drop-down

The Snowflake warehouse. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the warehouse defined in the environment. Read Overview of Warehouses to learn more.

Database = drop-down

The Snowflake database. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the database defined in the environment. Read Databases, Tables and Views - Overview to learn more.

Schema = drop-down

The Snowflake schema. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the schema defined in the environment. Read Database, Schema, and Share DDL to learn more.

Target Table = dual listbox

Select one or more tables to delete.

Ignore Missing = boolean

  • Yes: If a table doesn't exist, ignore it.
  • No: If a table doesn't exist, generate an error.

Name = string

A human-readable name for the component.

Schema = drop-down

Select the table schema. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the schema defined in the environment. For more information on using multiple schemas, read Schemas.

Tables = dual listbox

Select one or more tables to delete.

Ignore Missing = boolean

  • Yes: If a table doesn't exist, ignore it.
  • No: If a table doesn't exist, generate an error.

Cascade = boolean

  • Yes: Drop dependent objects such as any dependent views that have been manually created.
  • No: Do not drop dependent objects. The component will fail at runtime if such objects exist and the table will not be removed.

Snowflake Databricks Amazon Redshift