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Assert Table

The Assert Table component empowers users to confirm that a target table has been created with the correct metadata. This component asserts a row count using various methods such as "Equal to", "Greater than", "Less than", and "Range"; these comparator options allow users to set the upper and lower values of row counts.


Name = string

A human-readable name for the component.

Database = drop-down

The Snowflake database. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the database defined in the environment. Read Databases, Tables and Views - Overview to learn more.

Schema = drop-down

The Snowflake schema. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the schema defined in the environment. Read Database, Schema, and Share DDL to learn more.

Table Name = drop-down

Select the table to assert.

Exists = boolean

This property asserts that the table exists within the database. Set to "Yes" or "No".

Table Metadata = column editor

Enter the following details for each table column.

  • Column Name: The name of the new column.
  • Data Type: Select one of:
    • Varchar: This type is suitable for numbers and letters. A varchar or Variable Character Field is a set of character data of indeterminate length.
    • Number: This type is suitable for numeric types, with or without decimals.
    • Float: This type of values are approximate numeric values with fractional components.
    • Boolean: This type is suitable for data that is either "true" or "false".
    • Date: This type is suitable for dates without times.
    • Time: This type is suitable for time, independent of a specific date and timezone.
    • Timestamp: This type is a timestamp left unformatted (exists as Unix/Epoch Time).
    • Variant: Variant is a tagged universal type that can hold up to 16 MB of any data type supported by Snowflake.
  • Size: For Text types, this is the maximum length. This is a limit on the number of bytes, not characters. For Numeric types, this is the total number of digits allowed, whether before or after the decimal point.
  • Precision: The precision of the data in the column. Will be 0 (zero) for non-applicable types.

You can specify table metadata using text mode.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Row Count Comparison Type = drop-down

Select how row count values are compared. Possible comparison operators include:

  • Equal to: The value in the Input Column must be equal to that specified in the Value Column. This is the default comparison operator.
  • Greater than or equal to: The value in the Input Column must be greater than or equal to the value in the Value Column.
  • Less than or equal to: The value in the Input Column must be less than or equal to the value in the Value Column.
  • Range: This allows users to specify the range for the value of the row counts.

Not all data sources support all comparison operators; thus, it is likely that only a subset of the above comparison operators will be available to choose from.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Lower Value = integer

Set the lower value. This property is only applicable when Row Count Comparison Type is set to "Range".

Upper Value = integer

Set the upper value. This property is only applicable when Row Count Comparison Type is set to "Range".

Row Count Value = integer

Specify the number of rows.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Name = string

A human-readable name for the component.

Catalog = drop-down

Select a Databricks Unity Catalog. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the catalog specified in the Data Productivity Cloud environment setup. Selecting a catalog will determine which databases are available in the next parameter.

Schema (Database) = drop-down

The Databricks schema. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the schema defined in the environment. Read Create and manage schemas to learn more.

Table = string

The name of the table to be created.

Exists = boolean

This property asserts that the table exists within the database. Set to "Yes" or "No".

Table Metadata = column editor

Enter the following details for each table column.

  • Name: The name of the new column.
  • Type: Select one of the following data types:
    • INTEGER: This type is a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero.
    • NUMBER: Suitable for numeric types, with or without decimals.
    • FLOAT: Values are approximate numeric values with fractional components.
    • TEXT: Alphanumeric and character strings.
    • TIMESTAMP: Represents values comprising values of fields year, month, day, hour, minute, and second, with the session local time-zone. The timestamp value represents an absolute point in time.
    • DATE: Represents values comprising values of fields year, month and day, without a time-zone.
    • BOOLEAN: Represents data that is either "true" or "false".
    • BINARY: Represents byte sequence values.
  • Size: For Text types, this is the maximum length. This is a limit on the number of bytes, not characters. For Number types, this is the total number of digits allowed, whether before or after the decimal point.
  • Scale: Scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a float. For example, the number 123.45 has a scale of 2.

You can specify table metadata using text mode.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Row Count Comparison Type = drop-down

Select how row count values are compared. Possible comparison operators include:

  • Equal to: The value in the Input Column must be equal to that specified in the Value Column. This is the default comparison operator.
  • Greater than or equal to: The value in the Input Column must be greater than or equal to the value in the Value Column.
  • Less than or equal to: The value in the Input Column must be less than or equal to the value in the Value Column.
  • Range: This allows users to specify the range for the value of the row counts.

Not all data sources support all comparison operators; thus, it is likely that only a subset of the above comparison operators will be available to choose from.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Lower Value = integer

Set the lower value. This property is only applicable when Row Count Comparison Type is set to "Range".

Upper Value = integer

Set the upper value. This property is only applicable when Row Count Comparison Type is set to "Range".

Row Count Value = integer

Specify the number of rows.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Name = string

A human-readable name for the component.

Schema = drop-down

Select the table schema. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the schema defined in the environment. For more information on using multiple schemas, read Schemas.

Table Name = drop-down

The table to assert.

Exists = boolean

This property asserts that the table exists within the database. Set to "Yes" or "No".

Table Metadata = column editor

Enter the following details for each table column.

  • Column Name: The name of the column.
  • Data Type: Select the data type.
    • Text: A string can hold any kind of data, subject to a maximum size.
    • Integer: An integer data type is suitable for whole numbers (no decimals).
    • Numeric: The numeric data type accepts numbers, with or without decimals.
    • Real: This type is suitable for data of a single precision floating-point number.
    • Double Precision: This type is suitable for data of a double precision floating-point number.
    • Boolean: Data with a Boolean data type can be either "true" or "false".
    • Date: This type is suitable for dates without times.
    • DateTime: This type is suitable for dates, times, or timestamps (both date and time).
    • SUPER: Use the SUPER data type to store semi-structured data or documents as values.
  • Size: For text types, this is the maximum length. This is a limit on the number of bytes, not characters. For Redshift, since all data is stored using UTF-8, any non-ASCII character will count as 2 or more bytes. For Numeric types, this is the total number of digits allowed, whether before or after the decimal point.
  • Decimal Places: Relevant only for "Numeric" data, it is the maximum number of digits that may appear to the right of the decimal point.

You can specify table metadata using text mode.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Row Count Comparison Type = drop-down

Select how row count values are compared. Possible comparison operators include:

  • Equal to: The value in the Input Column must be equal to that specified in the Value Column. This is the default comparison operator.
  • Greater than or equal to: The value in the Input Column must be greater than or equal to the value in the Value Column.
  • Less than or equal to: The value in the Input Column must be less than or equal to the value in the Value Column.
  • Range: This allows users to specify the range for the value of the row counts.

Selecting "Range" makes the Upper Value and Lower Value properties available.

Not all data sources support all comparison operators; thus, it is likely that only a subset of the above comparison operators will be available to choose from.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Lower Value = integer

Set the lower value. This property is only applicable when Row Count Comparison Type is set to "Range".

Upper Value = integer

Set the upper value. This property is only applicable when Row Count Comparison Type is set to "Range".

Row Count Value = integer

Specify the number of rows.

This property is only available when Exists is set to "Yes".

Snowflake Databricks Amazon Redshift