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Git commit

In Designer, a commit represents a snapshot of your work in your current branch. A commit contains a unique identifier that helps you track changes to your pipelines over time. Performing a commit lets you save your changes in your local repository.

Property Description
Branch This is the checked-out branch where you've made changes and intend to capture the snapshot. You can't edit this—you must switch branches to make a commit on another branch.
Changes This is the list of files with uncommitted changes. It includes information such as file type, file name, file path, and the status of the file. The different statuses are New, Modified, and Deleted.
Message A text field to enter a brief description of the changes you've made for this commit.

How to commit

Once you have made changes to your branch, the branch menu on the project bar displays a notification icon next to the branch name, to indicate that there are changes to commit. The number of uncommitted changes is displayed on the drop-down menu.

Pulling from remote can overwrite any uncommitted changes if the remote changes are in conflict with your uncommitted changes. To ensure you don't lose any work, commit your changes before you pull. Otherwise, you can do a Reset to go back to your last commit.

Follow the steps below to commit your changes:

  1. Click Commit in the branch menu on the project bar. The Commit changes dialog will open.
  2. Add a brief description of the changes you've made for this commit so that other collaborators can understand what changes you've made.
  3. Click Commit to save your snapshot. Otherwise, click Cancel to cancel your commit.

If there are no changes since your last commit, a message is displayed to say that there are no changes to commit.


The Commit action will commit all pipelines in your current branch, preserving the pipeline folder structure. However, it will not commit empty folders; these will disappear from the pipeline list.