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Schedules allow users to run pipelines at set times, even periodically, with a choice of environment. This way, pipelines can be reused in different contexts and automated as desired.

Schedules can be viewed, created, and deleted from the Schedules tab in the Designer after a project is selected. Not added a project yet? Read Add project. You can also add a schedule from the pipeline canvas.

To create a schedule, you must have published the pipeline that the schedule will run, using the Push local changes command from within the main branch of your project.

The schedule will become active 10 minutes after you create it.

Add a schedule

There are two ways to add a schedule.

From the project:

  1. From the Your projects menu, select your project.
  2. Navigate to the Schedules tab.
  3. Click Add schedule.
  4. Complete the properties on the Create a new schedule screen, described below, and then click Create.

From the pipeline:

  1. On the pipeline canvas, click Add schedule in the upper-right.
  2. In the Add schedule pop-up, click Schedule.
  3. Complete the properties on the Create a new schedule screen, described below, and then click Create.

Create a new schedule

Complete the following properties.

Property Description
Name A unique, descriptive name for the schedule.
Environment Select the environment configuration that the schedule will run pipelines using. Read Add environment to learn more about environments.
Published pipeline Select a pipeline to run in the schedule.
Agent A working agent. This is only required if you have a Hybrid SaaS solution. To learn how to create an agent, read Create an agent.
Timezone Select a timezone for the schedule to adhere to.
Starts on Select the start date for the schedule.

To complete the schedule, select either the Standard or Advanced tab.

A Standard schedule is created by selecting the schedule interval from drop-down menus:

Property Description
Repeat every The interval between schedule runs.
Unit The units of the Repeat every interval. Options are Day (the default), Week, Hour, or Minute.

Use these two properties together to specify the schedule interval. Depending on the Unit selected, further properties will be available to precisely specify the scheduled time, as follows:

  • Day: Select the Hour and Minute of the day that the schedule will run.
  • Week: Select the day of the week, and then the Hour and Minute of the day that the schedule will run.
  • Hour: Select the Minute past the hour that the schedule will run.

Using these combinations of drop-downs allows you to specify a variety of precise schedule intervals, but there may be cases where you can't find a way to express the interval you need. In these cases, you can use the Advanced tab and specify the schedule interval using a Cron expression. Any valid Cron expression can be used. Some examples are given in the following section.

Cron expression examples

Expression Description
0 15,30,45 * ? * * Every hour at minutes 15, 30 and 45.
0 0 12 1 * ? Every month on the 1st, at noon.
0 0 12 15 * ? Every month on the 15th, at noon.
0 0 12 1/4 * ? Every 4 days starting on the 1st of the month, at noon.
0 0 12 L * ? Every month on the last day of the month, at noon.
0 0 12 LW * ? Every month on the last weekday, at noon.
0 0 12 6L * ? Every month on the last Friday, at noon.
0 0 12 1W * ? Every month on the nearest weekday to the 1st of the month, at noon.
0 0 12 ? * 2#1 Every month on the first Monday of the month, at noon.
0 0 12 ? * 5#3 Every month on the third Thursday of the month, at noon.
0 0 12 ? JAN * Every day at noon in January only.
0 0 12 ? JAN,JUN * Every day at noon in January and June.
0 0 12 ? DEC * Every day at noon in December only.
0 0 12 ? JAN,FEB,MAR,APR * Every day at noon in January, February, March and April.
0 0 12 ? 9-12 * Every day at noon between September and December.

Delete a schedule

  1. Navigate to the Schedules tab.
  2. Click the more button ... on the corresponding row of a schedule you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete schedule.
  4. Click Yes, delete to confirm deletion. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Schedule metadata

The Schedules tab displays metadata about each schedule, including:

  • The name of the schedule.
  • The pipeline that the schedule will run.
  • The schedule itself, e.g. 8:00am every day.
  • A time and date of the last run of the schedule.
  • A time and date of the next run of the schedule.
  • The environment that defines the connection between your project and your cloud data warehouse.

Each schedule also includes an Enabled/Disabled toggle. When it is green (Enabled), your schedule is activated and will run at the date and time of the next run. When the toggle is grey (Disabled), your schedule will not run until the toggle is switched to Enabled.

Understanding publishing and scheduling

When you publish a pipeline as part of the Push local changes command, a copy of the pipeline is created for the scheduler to use. This copy is only visible to the scheduler, but it's this copy that schedules actually run.

It's important to understand that this happens, as it has a number of implications for how schedules interact with pipelines.

  • When you delete a pipeline, the copy used by the scheduler is not deleted. This means that scheduled pipelines will continue to run after being deleted. To prevent this happening, you must also delete the schedule.
  • The Published pipeline drop-down will continue to show deleted pipelines when you create a new schedule, and new schedules can be created using these deleted pipelines.
  • When you edit a pipline and republish it, all existing schedules for that pipeline will automatically use the new version of the pipeline.
  • If you edit a pipeline without republishing it, the scheduler will continue to use the previously published version.