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Part of our feedback and collaboration process involves using, a click-and-comment tool (also known as visual commenting) to let any stakeholders in our documentation tickets (UX, product management, engineering, and so on) give us feedback on drafts of our documentation.

  • MarkUp lets people read the documentation in its published habitat, rendered on
  • Reading the documentation in its published habitat abstracts away the complexity of reviewing Markdown or HTML in a code review, which is ultimately not a process that some stakeholders need to be involved in.
  • It's low friction for our technical writers to navigate between a markup and their code editor when implementing changes based on feedback.
  • Single source of truth is retained because the published markup itself cannot be edited—versus, for example, Google Docs, where single source of truth can be at risk if multiple people have access beyond view only.

Setting up a page for MarkUp

Label your pull requests for MarkUp

Our GitHub repo has a label that you can use to signify that a pull request is being merged to be uploaded into MarkUp for review by stakeholders.

When creating a pull request, click the gear icon in the Labels section on the right-hand side, and add the markup-draft label.

Markup-draft label

By attributing this label, your colleagues and reviewers know that this pull request includes work-in-progress.