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Launching Matillion ETL using CloudFormation Templates

:::warning{title='Warning'} New customers must go through the Hub to select their preferred cloud provider and data warehouse to begin their Matillion ETL journey. :::


Launching your Matillion ETL instance using templates for Snowflake and Amazon Redshift requires the use of Amazon's CloudFormation service. To begin, download a Snowflake or Amazon Redshift template. Alternatively, you can use a template that's provided on the AWS Marketplace.

This guide explains the different ways you can launch your Matillion ETL instance using one of the following AWS templates:

If you experience problems launching via templates, please contact Matillion support, citing the template you wish to use, for help and guidance.

:::info{title='Note'} All CloudFormation templates support Enterprise instances. :::


Prior to launching a Matillion ETL instance you will need to be an existing non-hub customer, and you need:

  • Adequate knowledge about the cloud service account (AWS, Azure, GCP), and Cloud Data Warehouse (Snowflake, Redshift or Google BigQuery), you want to launch.
  • A user with admin permissions who can access the intended cloud service account.
  • Access to a cloud storage bucket (Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage) to house the transient staging files Matillion ETL used to load data to the cloud.
  • A network path to access the intended data sources. This may involve working with your network team to enable access to on-premise databases.

Launching Matillion ETL using an AWS Marketplace template

To configure and launch Matillion ETL for Snowflake or Amazon Redshift using templates, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Marketplace, and enter Matillion ETL for "Snowflake" or "Redshift", respectively, into the search bar, at the top of the marketplace.

:::info{title='Note'} Please raise a support case if you're unable to see the listing you require. For more information, read Getting Support. :::

  1. The Subscribe to this software page will be displayed. Next to the Matillion ETL listing, click Continue to Subscribe.

:::info{title='Note'} At this stage, if you aren't already logged into the AWS Marketplace, you will be prompted for your AWS account credentials before you can continue. :::

  1. Depending on your current setup, you may need to click Continue to Configuration.

  2. On the Configure this software page, use the Delivery Method drop-down menu to select CloudFormation template as your Fulfillment Option, then click Continue to Launch.

  3. Under the Delivery Method drop-down menu, use the CloudFormation template drop-down menu to select one of the following three options:

    1. Getting Started No resources required. A complete, working, out-of-the-box Matillion ETL instance. Recommended option for new users and those testing the product.
    2. Clustered/Highly Available: Launches an Enterprise Edition of Matillion ETL, useful for high availability and clustering applications.
    3. Single Instance: A working Matillion ETL instance complete with RDS and CloudWatch Logs.

:::info{title='Note'} All template launches are completely independent and won't affect any current resources on your AWS account. :::

  1. On the same page, use the Software Version drop-down menu to select the appropriate software version for your Matillion ETL instance. It's highly recommended that users always select the most up-to-date product version available, and in a Region in which they want to host their instance.

:::info{title='Note'} The setup won't be complete at this point, and you won't be charged. :::

  1. The Launch this software page will be displayed. Review your configuration, and use the drop-down menu in the Choose Action section to select Launch CloudFormation. This will launch the software from the website, then click Launch.

Launching Matillion ETL using a downloaded template

To configure and launch Matillion ETL for Snowflake or Amazon Redshift, use the following steps:

  1. Access the AWS Management Console, log in using your AWS account credentials, and navigate to the AWS CloudFormation portal. Click Create Stack, or Create New Stack.
  2. The Create stack page displays four steps you must complete. At the top, make sure the Template is ready prerequisite is selected. In the Specify template section, select Upload a template file, and upload the template you want to use by clicking Choose file. Click Next to progress.

:::info{title='Note'} - Pre-designed templates for use with Matillion ETL can be downloaded from our templates page. For more information, read List of Snowflake Launch Templates and List of Redshift Launch Templates. - The S3 URL will be generated when your template file is uploaded. :::

  1. Enter your Stack name and configure the Parameters for your Matillion ETL instance, then click Next.

:::info{title='Note'} Make a note of your Master Username and Password, and set the port to 5439. :::

  1. Next, in Configure stack options, specify tags (key-value pairs) to apply to resources in your stack. Enter a key and a value in the fields provided. You can add up to 50 unique tags for each stack. Click Next to continue to the final step in the stack creation process.
  2. Review your stack configuration. Your template URL and your stack's description will be displayed at the top of the page, situated in the Template section. At the bottom, click Create Stack to finalize the stack creation process.
  3. Your new stack will appear in the list, and its status will change when it becomes available. Now that your Matillion ETL instance is up and running, it's available to use. For more information about your next steps, read Accessing the Matillion ETL Client (Amazon EC2), and UI and Basic Functions.