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Launching Matillion ETL for Snowflake - GCP

:::warning{title='Warning'} The Hub doesn't support launching Matillion ETL for Snowflake on the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace. This guide describes how you can launch the product directly from the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace. :::


Matillion ETL for Snowflake is available via the Google Cloud Launcher service, hosted on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Users of Matillion ETL for Snowflake can use GCP services, such as Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

:::warning{title='Warning'} If you're setting up a new Matillion ETL instance, please review and follow the steps in the Snowflake document, Configuring an Integration for Google Cloud Storage. :::


Before launching a Matillion ETL instance you will require:

  • Adequate knowledge about the cloud service account (AWS, Azure, GCP) and Cloud Data Warehouse (Snowflake, Redshift, Google BigQuery and Delta Lake on Databricks) you want to launch.
  • A user with admin permissions who can access the intended cloud service account.
  • Access to a cloud storage bucket (S3, Azure, Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage) to house the transient staging files Matillion used to load data to the cloud.
  • A network path to access the intended data sources. This may involve working with your network team to enable access to on-premise databases.

GCP Roles for Launching Matillion ETL

To launch Matillion ETL for Snowflake on GCP, users must have the correct permissions to deploy Matillion ETL from the GCP Marketplace. Please note that without correct user permissions, an error will occur and the launch will fail.

Therefore, to prevent a permissions error, please ensure that any users launching a Matillion ETL instance for Snowflake have the role App Engine Deployer [roles/appengine.deployer] or above. This role grants adequate permissions to deploy an instance using the App Engine Admin API. Please refer to GCP user roles for more details.

You can learn which roles are granted on a particular resource by using the GCP Console; the getIamPolicy() method; or the gcloud command-line tool. For further instructions, see Granting, changing, and revoking access to resources.

Launching Matillion ETL for Snowflake on GCP

To use Matillion ETL for Snowflake (GCP), begin by locating the product on the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace. The product page can be found by typing "Matillion" in to the search bar at the top. The product page includes comprehensive information about Matillion ETL for Snowflake, including:

  • Overview
  • Pricing
  • Documentation
  • Support

Launch Matillion ETL for Snowflake on GCP

To begin, click the LAUNCH button. Clicking this button directs you to the New Matillion ETL for Snowflake deployment wizard, where you can fine-tune the initial setup of your Matillion ETL for Snowflake instance, before deployment:

  1. Give the instance a name—the deployment name can only contain lowercase characters, numbers, or dashes. It must start with a lowercase letter and cannot end with a dash.
  2. Select a zone from the dropdown menu—the zone determines which computing resources are available and where your data is stored and used, in accordance with Google's data centres.
  3. Select a machine type—these determine the specifications of your machines, including the amount of memory, virtual cores, and persistent disk limits that an instance will have. To fine-tune your machine type further, click Customise.
  4. Select a disk type—a standard persistent disk is less expensive, but not as effective as an SSD persistent disk for random IOPS or streaming throughput with low latency.
  5. Select a disk size in gigabytes (GB). The minimum is 40. Persistent disk performance is linked to the size of the persistent disk volume. You are charged for the actual amount of provisioned disk space.
  6. Select a network—the network determines what network traffic the instance can access. For more information, read Using VPC networks.
  7. Select a subnetwork—the subnetwork assigns the instance an IPv4 address from the subnetwork's range. Instances in different subnetworks can communicate with each other using their internal IPs as long as they belong to the same network.
  8. Under Firewall, tick where appropriate to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic. By default, all incoming traffic from outside a network is blocked.
  9. Click More to provide additional IP configuration.
  10. Tick the I accept the GCP Marketplace Terms of Services and Matillion Terms of Service checkbox.
  11. When you are happy with your configuration, click Deploy.

Configure instance and deploy

:::warning{title='Warning'} Before you click Deploy, please make sure you are happy with your deployment configuration and be aware of your estimated per month spend. :::

Logging in to your Matillion ETL for Snowflake instance

Google Cloud Launcher will then begin configuring the instance. This process normally takes just a few minutes. A message will be displayed citing the successful deployment once the instance is ready.

  1. Before leaving this page, make note of the Admin User value and the Admin password (Temporary) value. These credentials are required for the initial login.

Admin user and Admin password

  1. To revisit this page, log in to your GCP Console and click Tools, then click Deployment Manager in the top-left main menu.

  2. Click the Site address URL to launch your Matillion ETL for Snowflake instance. Enter your Admin user and Admin password (Temporary) credentials.

Matillion ETL login screen

Next Steps