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Getting support

At Matillion, we love hearing from our customers. Communication with customers often gives us the opportunity to help users get more from their Data Productivity Cloud experience. We welcome questions, issues, or even general feedback, because these forms of communication help us to make a better product for all our users.

Contact us

Whether you are getting started with the Data Productivity Cloud, need technical advice, or are attempting to troubleshoot issues with the client and related services, we are eager to help.

Sometimes the in-client or documented help isn't enough to solve the challenges our customers face, and the best way for users to get further assistance is to submit a case at our support portal.

  • Visit our support portal at, from here you can:
    • Create an account.
    • Raise a support ticket. Every page on our support site has the Raise A Support Ticket button.
    • Post a public question.
    • Ensure your "Case Category" is set to "Data Productivity Cloud".
    • Use the below table when submitting tickets to Matillion Support:
Severity code Description
Severity 1 Critical (Production down).
Severity 2 Urgent (Major feature or workflow is not functioning and majority of user community is blocked).
Severity 3 Important (Normal usability or task completion is impacted but functional or workaround is available).
Severity 4 Minor (Minor business impact, enhancement requests, how-to questions).