Amazon Redshift launch templates
New and existing customers must go through the Hub to choose their preferred cloud provider and cloud data warehouse before starting their Matillion ETL journey.
A list of the different available templates is given below.
There are two types of templates:
To migrate an existing instance to a different server, (for example, migrating from a single node to a highly available cluster), read Migration.
If you experience problems launching via templates, contact Matillion support, citing the template you wish to use.
CloudFormation clustered templates require an external domain that's in another VPC (or on-premises), and will likely require VPC Peering to work.
New resources
Templates for those who require a new setup. An Amazon Redshift cluster is included.
Single node
A single, isolated Matillion ETL instance. Includes:
- m5.large|m5.xlarge EC2 instance running Matillion ETL.
- IAM Role (attached to EC2 instance).
- VPC and public/private subnets.
- Amazon Redshift cluster.
Single node and RDS
A single, isolated Matillion ETL instance. Includes:
- m5.large|m5.xlarge EC2 instance running Matillion ETL.
- IAM Role (attached to EC2 instance).
- Postgres RDS instance with multi availability zone (AZ) failover.
- Cloudwatch-based logging.
- VPC and public/private subnets.
- Amazon Redshift cluster.
A clustered, isolated Matillion ETL instance. Includes:
- 2x m5.large|m5.xlarge EC2 instances running Matillion ETL in a cluster.
- IAM Role (attached to EC2 instance).
- Postgres RDS instance with multi availability zone (AZ) failover.
- ALB (Application Load Balancer).
- Cloudwatch-based logging.
- VPC and public/private subnets.
- Amazon Redshift cluster.
Existing resources
Templates for those who have an Amazon Redshift cluster already and want to launch a Matillion ETL instance to use with it.
Single node
A single Matillion ETL instance for an existing AWS account. Includes:
- m5.large|m5.xlarge EC2 instance running Matillion ETL.
- IAM Role (attached to EC2 instance).
An Amazon Redshift cluster must already exist in your AWS account, and will be referenced.
Single node and RDS
A single, isolated Matillion ETL instance. Includes:
- m5.large|m5.xlarge EC2 instance running Matillion ETL.
- IAM Role (attached to EC2 instance).
- Postgres RDS instance with multi availability zone (AZ).
- Cloudwatch-based logging.
The following resources must already exist in your AWS account, and will be referenced:
- VPC and public/private subnets.
- Amazon Redshift cluster.
A clustered, isolated Matillion ETL instance. Includes:
- 2x m5.large|m5.xlarge EC2 instances running Matillion ETL in a cluster.
- IAM Role (attached to EC2 instance).
- Postgres RDS instance with multi availability zone (AZ).
- ALB (Application Load Balancer).
- Cloudwatch-based logging.
The following resources must already exist in your AWS account, and will be referenced:
- VPC and public/private subnets.
- Amazon Redshift cluster.
- LDAP or Active Directory based directory service.