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Headings denote contextual sections on a page. Use sentence case for headings. Read Capitalization to learn more.

  • H1 represents the top-level title of a page.
  • H2 represents the overall sections of the page.
  • H3 represents contextually related sections of an H2.
  • H4 represents contextually related sections of an H3.

Use reason and logic when deciding what heading to ascribe to a given section.

To add a heading, add # follow by a space, and then the name of your heading. The number of # you use defines the hierarchical level of the heading.

Syntax Output HTML equivalent
# Heading 1 Heading 1

Heading 1

## Heading 2 Heading 2

Heading 2

### Heading 3 Heading 3

Heading 3

#### Heading 4 Heading 4

Heading 4


Always insert a newline before and after a heading.