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Troubleshooting guide for connecting a GitLab repository to the Data Productivity Cloud

This page is a list of troubleshooting guidance in the event that you experience issues when connecting your GitLab repository to a Data Productivity Cloud project. Each scenario includes both an issue and a solution.

For basic connectivity issues, make sure the Hybrid SaaS agents and Git repositories IP addresses are allowed on your repository.

Desired repository not visible

Possible cause 1: Your user does not have sufficient permissions to view the GitLab project

Solution: Have one of the admins of your organization check that the user account that you log in to GitLab with is a member of the intended GitLab project, or has been assigned a role that provides the ability to view and/or contribute to that project.

Possible cause 2: The repository is still "uninitialized"

Solution: If the repository was recently created, double check that it was initialized with a file such as a README. If the repository is entirely empty, some Git providers do not report that it is a valid repository for use, so creating a README file in the repository by any means is usually enough. After doing so, it should then appear when establishing a connection to GitLab within the Data Productivity Cloud.

Possible cause 3: Your organization has a large number of repositories

Explanation: Currently, the Data Productivity Cloud is configured to retrieve a maximum of 2000 repositories from GitLab. There will be improvements to both search and pagination when fetching repositories coming soon, but unfortunately there is not currently a workaround at this time. However, we are closely monitoring this limit, and will adjust accordingly.

Authorization fails

Possible cause: The Data Productivity Cloud can't reach GitLab

Solution: If you receive an authorization error and you are not using a self-managed instance of GitLab, refresh the page and try again. If the issue persists, either GitLab or the Data Productivity Cloud may be experiencing an issue.
