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Cloud Pub/Sub

Cloud Pub/Sub is an orchestration component that allows messages to be published to a topic on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Other applications can subscribe to these topics to receive such messages.

To use this component, you need to add GCP credentials to your Data Productivity Cloud project. You then need to associate your cloud provider credentials with an environment for Designer to access your GCP account.

To publish messages from the Data Productivity Cloud, you must first ensure that topics are available to publish to (and ideally, that relevant applications are subscribed to these topics).


Name = string

A human-readable name for the component.

Project = drop-down

Select the Google Cloud project. For more information, read Creating and managing projects.

Topic = drop-down

The topic to publish to.

Message = string

The contents of the message.

Attributes = key:value

Assign key-value pairs to be included with the message to be used by the subscribed application. These may be data regarding the message itself.

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