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Append to Grid

The Append To Grid component lets you append or prepend data to a pre-existing grid variable in the Data Productivity Cloud. Running this component can add rows to existing columns, but doesn't add columns to the grid.


Name = string

A human-readable name for the component.

Append/Prepend = drop-down

Choose whether to append or prepend your data rows to the grid.

Target Grid Variable = drop-down

Select the grid variable that is to be appended or prepended.

Fixed/Grid = drop-down

Choose between Fixed data, which users must input manually, and Grid data, which uses an existing grid variable. In both cases, the data is to be appended or prepended to the target grid.

Values Grid = column editor

For fixed data, manually enter data for new rows in the target grid.

This property is only available when the Fixed/Grid property is set to Fixed.

Toggle Text Mode to add information to the Values Grid dialog. For more information, read Text mode.

To use grid variables, tick the Use Grid Variable checkbox at the bottom of the Values Grid dialog.

Source Grid Variable = drop-down

Choose the name of the grid from which to source data.

This property is only available when the Fixed/Grid property is set to Grid.

Grid Variable Mapping = column editor

Map columns from the source grid to the target grid.

This property is only available when the Fixed/Grid property is set to Grid.

Snowflake Databricks Amazon Redshift