Azure - Terraform template
It is expected that users who choose to use Terraform over the equivalent ARM template will have working knowledge of Infrastructure as Code using Terraform in Azure. Users should familiarise themselves with the official documentation before continuing:
Azure official documentation for using Terraform.
HashiCorpcorp official documentation for using Terraform on Azure.
Terraform template files can be found in the Downloads section of this article.
The template provides a blueprint for installation that you may use verbatim, but you may need to modify it to suit your own needs and rules governing your cloud infrastructure.
Created resources
- Container Instance
- Log Analytics
- IP Addresses
Edit the template
Users should inspect the template in a text editor and ensure the values are as-expected before proceeding. In particular, the PLATFORM_WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT environment variable should be edited to match the expected endpoint and region. See Environment Variables for more information.
This template is intended for users who are accustomed to setting up their own Kubernetes platforms and offers a degree of freedom that other templates (such as ARM) do not. As such, we cannot dictate which resources you may choose to use to build your CDC stack.
However, this template does require Azure Key Vault resources and permissions to the agent image on the Amazon ECR Public Gallery.
- Resource Group (Not required but highly recommended)
- Blob Storage
- Azure Key Vault secrets for the following:
- Platform Key
- Database passwords
User Access
You as a user are also expected to have access to certain details and permissions:
- Access to a valid Terraform installation.
- Access to a Data Productivity Cloud account.
- CDC agent Environment Variables (generated in Data Loader when creating a new agent).
- Data Loader Platform Key (generated once per Data Loader account the first time you make an agent).
- Access to Azure with the ability to create a stack on a billable account. You may require an administrator from your organization to either give access or perform this process with you.