Open Exchange Rates Query authentication guide
This is a step-by-step guide to acquiring credentials and authorising the Open Exchange Rates Query connector for use in Matillion ETL.
Important Information
- The Open Exchange Rates Query connector uses an API token for third-party authentication.
- While connector properties may differ between Cloud Data Warehouses, the authentication process remains the same.
Acquiring Third-Party Credentials
Navigate to the Open Exchange Rates website. Click log in in the top right of the screen. Enter valid login credentials to continue.
Open Exchange Rates homepage
The browser will then redirect to the Open Exchange Rates dashboard. Click App IDs on the sidebar menu on the left of the screen.
Open Exchange Rates dashboard
Next, on the App IDs window, enter a name for the new App ID in the field provided, then click Generate New App ID.
Generate New App ID
If the App ID is generated successfully, the window will refresh. There will now be a yellow block at the top of the window stating, "New App ID successfully created" and the newly created App ID will appear in the App IDs section. Copy the code in field below App ID as it will be required in Authorising for Use in Matillion ETL.
Please Note
Standard subscriptions are limited to just 1 active App ID at a time. If Generate New App ID is greyed out, the current active App ID my need to be deactivated. Alternatively, upgrade to a higher subscription level.
Copy App ID
Authorising for Use with Matillion ETL
If a Open Exchange Rates Query connector is not already on the job canvas, search "Open Exchange Rates" using the Components search field, or find the Open Exchange Rates Query connector under Orchestration → Load/Unload → Finance.
Please Note
An Orchestration Job must be open on the job canvas within Matillion ETL to ensure the Open Exchange Rates Query connector is searchable within the Components panel.
Then, click and drag the Open Exchange Rates Query connector onto the job canvas.
Search for Open Exchange Rates Query connector
Click the connector icon on the job canvas to open the Properties panel at the bottom of the screen.
Then, click ... next to the App ID input.
Open Open Exchange Rates Query connector properties
Then, in the pop-up window, paste the App ID (copied earlier from the Open Exchange Rates website) into the Store in component field and click OK.
Paste App ID
If the App ID is entered correctly, the connector should be authenticated and the status of the input will be displayed as OK.
Connector successfully authenticated