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Square Query authentication guide


This is a step-by-step guide to creating an OAuth entry, acquiring credentials and authorising the Square Query connector for use in Matillion ETL.

Important Information

  • The Square Query connector uses an OAuth for third-party authentication.
  • While connector properties may differ between Cloud Data Warehouses, the authentication process remains the same.

Creating an OAuth Entry in Matillion ETL

  1. In Matillion ETL, on the top left of the screen, click ProjectManage OAuth.

    Please Note

    If a Square Query connector has already been added to an Orchestration Job, the Manage OAuth window may also be accessed using the following method:

    1. Click the connector icon to open the Properties panel at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Click ... next to the Authentication input, and finally click Manage in the pop-up window.
    Project dropdown menu

    Project dropdown menu

  2. Copy the Callback URL in the field at the top of the window as this will be required in Acquiring Third-Party Credentials.

  3. Click + in the bottom left of the window to open the Create OAuth Entry window.

    New OAuth entry

    New OAuth entry

  4. Click the Service dropdown menu and select Square. Then, provide a name for the OAuth in the Name field and click OK.

    Create OAuth Entry window

    Create OAuth Entry window

  5. On returning to the Manage OAuth window, check the list of OAuths to ensure the new entry is listed.

    Please Note

    This entry is Not Configured. Configuration of the OAuth entry will be discussed in Authorising for use in Matillion ETL.

    New Entry listed on Manage OAuth window

    New Entry listed on Manage OAuth window

Acquiring Third-Party Credentials

  1. Navigate to the Square Developer Portal and click Developer Dashboard in the top right of the screen. The browser will redirect to a login screen. Enter valid login credentials to continue.

    Square Developer Portal

    Square Developer Portal

  2. Then, on the Developer Dashboard, click New Application in the top right of the My Applications section.

    Developer Dashboard

    Developer Dashboard

  3. On the New Application page, provide a name for the new app in the Application Name field, then click Create Application.

    Create new application

    Create new application

  4. The browser will then redirect to a newly created Credentials page for the app. Copy the code from the Application ID field as it will be required in Authorising for use in Matillion ETL.

    Please Note

    When copying the Application ID and Application Secret codes, some browsers may add a space to the end of the code. Watch out for this as it will cause the credentials to fail.

    Copy Application ID

    Copy Application ID

  5. Click OAuth on the sidebar on the left of the screen. Then, in the OAuth window, paste the Callback URL (copied from the Manage OAuth window in Matillion ETL earlier) into the Redirect URL field provided.

  6. Next, copy the code from the Application Secret field as it will be required in Authorising for use in Matillion ETL. Then click Save in the bottom right of the screen.

    Please Note

    In order to copy the Application Secret, Show must first be clicked to make it visible.

    Paste Callback URL and copy Application Secret

    Paste Callback URL and copy Application Secret

Authorising for Use in Matillion ETL

  1. Return to the Manage OAuth window in Matillion ETL and click next to the previously created OAuth entry. This will open the Configure OAuth window.

    Configure OAuth settings

    Configure OAuth settings

  2. Using the codes copied from the Square Developer Portal earlier, provide details for the following fields:

    Configure OAuth settings

    Configure OAuth settings

  3. The next window will have an Authorization link. Click the link to authorise Matillion ETL to use the acquired credentials.

    Authorization link

    Authorization link

  4. If all is successful, the browser will return to Matillion ETL with a window stating, "Authorization Successful".

    OAuth Authorization successful

    OAuth Authorization successful