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Create an agent in your infrastructure

Private preview

This topic explains how to create an agent in your own infrastructure. For a discussion of why you might want to deploy in your own infrastructure rather than use a Matillion Full SaaS solution, read Agent overview. We currently support agents running in AWS or Azure infrastructure.

Read Scaling best practices to understand how to size your agent for the level of performance you need.

While Azure agent is in private preview, read Azure agent private preview for details of the scope and limitations of the preview version.


  • A Hub account. To register, read Registration. Once you have signed up, log in to the Hub.
  • An account in either AWS or Azure to host the agent.

Create an agent

  1. Click the menu button ☰ in the top left of any Data Productivity Cloud screen, then click ManageAgents.
  2. Click Add agent.
  3. Complete the following properties:
    • Agent name: A unique name for your new agent. Maximum 30 characters. Accepts both uppercase and lowercase A-z, 0-9, whitespace (not the first character), hyphens, and underscores.
    • Cloud provider: The cloud platform that the agent will be deployed to. Currently, AWS and Azure are supported.
    • Deployment: The supported deployment method for the given cloud provider. Currently, Fargate for AWS and Container app for Azure are supported.
  4. Click Create agent.

Set up the agent in your cloud infrastructure

When created with the above process, the agent needs to be set up in your cloud infrastructure. There are several different ways of doing this, and you can use whichever method suits you:

To complete these processes, you will require certain details of the created agent. To obtain these details, locate the agent in the list of agents, and click ... next to it, then click Agent details. The parameters and values in the sections Agent image URI, Agent environment variables, and Credentials are required when configuring your agent in your cloud infrastructure.